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Topic : Re: How do I write characters that aren't just a copy of myself? I am finding it difficult to create fictional characters with personalities that are not a copy of myself. I'm having trouble trying -

10% popularity

There are two steps here.

The first is ensuring that you have characters who do not think and act like you do. Since it's not happening automatically, you may need to actively assign characters traits that are unlike yours. When a new character is introduced, stop and think about it.

One thing that can help is trying to assign character types. It doesn't matter which ones. I have heard of people having success with Myers-Briggs character types, I have heard of people having success with the twelve Olympian gods. Pick a character type and run with it.

Which leads to the second, which is remembering what the character is supposed to be like under that type. Slow, conscious reflection on the matter may be the only way to start out. You can think of it as a writing exercise. You may even find it helpful to write unrelated short pieces, not full stories, simply to write about a character like that.

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