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Topic : Re: How do I properly write in facts without harming anyone? I'm currently writing, or starting to write, a book that discusses misandry and the such. I'm going to try to use as much evidence -

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I suspect that there is no way to touch this subject without causing pain and anger.

We should all hope that a victim of this kind of abuse would have worked through the trauma and come out the other side healed and thus strong enough to talk about the events in a calm, rational way. For some victims, perhaps most of them, that may take more than a lifetime.

We should also hope that the abuser has worked through the reasons for being the abuser in the first place and have grown into a more nurturing human being. But that also may require more patience than most of us possess.

For me, the point would not be to avoid pain but to give that pain a purpose. For many of us, we willingly endure discomfort and even pain if we can see a clear link between that and an overriding goal. We work to help the animals, or to support the children, or the to heap glory on our school. Wars have been fought over ideas, religious, political, cultural. Purpose is a powerful painkiller.

Let me suggest that you define "a shining city on a hill" that represents how you want to the world to be. Then show the ways in which the world does not live up to the vision. Finally, lay out the actions that will lead from the here-and-now to the what-it-could-be.

You will not avoid the discomfort but you may just give people reasons to ignore it.

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