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Topic : Well you're young for starters for me when I was young yes I could never finish a book or series I wrote on Fan Fiction the only ones I got through were opened ended by defult or were -

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Well you're young for starters for me when I was young yes I could never finish a book or series I wrote on Fan Fiction the only ones I got through were opened ended by defult or were made to be one short event. I believe this was due to not knowing my ending I just wrote as it came up mostly starting in the middle of the action.

I think it's great you want to do this at nine two books I've found useful would be (1) Writing Demystified by Thomas B Sawyer - while its covering mostly the old TV show Murder she Wrote he really breaks down how a series is written and gives tons of insight into things that also co-align with writing novels, screenplays, ect. (2)Story Trumps Structure by Donald Mass - he is a mix of prepper and pantser meaning he plans a bit but writes with no plan at other points he goes over tips on how to do this so you can finish your book. I've learned before reading his book I was no planner I tried but his mix hybrid style is how I've been doing it my works for years and I'm writing the biggest project ever a book series so....

Just also remember writing is hard you are making it all from nothing or next to it so just get it written take a lot a notes so you can keep track of some important things but just get it down, edit it later, your first (and possibly several thereafter) drafts aren't going to be perfect you can fix it later just get it out and down and you will slowly learn what and who your characters are and dream up far better concepts to express that as you go onward.

If you need somethings to get your writings organized beyond Word a ALOT of folders you can try Y-writer its free and really easy for set up but once you learn your project needs to grow you can do Scrivener it's not a lot of money (I think ) but it is a massive black hole when you're starting out and your young it might look impossible to use but just use it as a research storage area and filing system with their collections feature I find it best to have copies of my billion notes in Scriv because when I go to the collection I want its just there.

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