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Topic : Re: How can I indicate time passing? There is a scene in which my main character is hiding from the villain while they are both in the same room. I want this to be a suspenseful and agonizing -

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One possibility is to just say that time has passed. "The two men sat staring at each other, neither saying a word, for fifteen minutes."

Another possibility is to fill the time with action. If the point is that it was a tense standoff, "action" here probably doesn't mean people running and fighting, but events appropriate to the situation. "Bob locked the door behind him. He leaned against the wall and breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath. He listened carefully for signs of pursuit. He strained to hear any sound coming from outside. All he could hear were the noises of traffic in the street. At one point he heard a voice. He was afraid that it was THEM in the hall, but as he strained to make out the words he realized it was just two people talking about being late for some social event." Etc.

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