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Topic : Re: Synopsis for a memoir: Which tense/perspective to use? The general rule is that a synopsis should be written in present tense, third person, regardless of the tense/perspective of the manuscript. -

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Sounds right to me. The pitch is a letter which you write to the publisher, and since the book is about you, the pitch should be from your perspective. Today, those events happened in the past, but they happened to you. So first person, past tense.

When summarizing a memoir for something like Wikipedia, the summary is not from you (even if it is, the narrative voice isn't). There's a name for "using present tense to describe past events, as if the reader had moved into the past and events were occurring at that moment," but I don't remember what it's called. Bill Safire discussed it once in the context of a subjunctive describing a baseball pitch (the game was long ago, but the discussion moved to the "present" of the ball game, and the subjunctive clause was from the perspective of the writer wondering what might happen to the ball, even though we already knew what happened).

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