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Topic : Re: Asking about outlines and writing techniques How do I write an outline? And is it necessary for each story? -

10% popularity

I completely agree with the preceding answer. I merely want to expand a bit on 'plan the key points throughout your story' since that is vague. What are the key points of a story?
First, there is the Inciting Incident, that is the event that starts the whole story. What triggers the sequence of events that (will) make up the story? And what kind of problem, what kind of question does it raise for the protagonist.
Next, there is the climax, the high note near the end of your story. Answering this amounts to explaining how the problem is solved, how the question is answered.
All events in between are the complications, the conflicts the protagonist has to overcome to reach the climax.
It's not a 'real' outline, but this way you have some direction for your thinking. I find it a useful approach.
Good luck with your story. Enjoy!

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