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Topic : Re: World Building vs Story Writing Note, this might be off-topic and belong on World Building SE? I have always been far more interested in building the world my stories take place in than the -

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The big thing to ask yourself is: "Do I have a story I want to tell". If the answer is yes, then grit your teeth and stick with it. There are a great many ways, discovered by many different writers, to help with writer's block. And getting bored with your story and giving up is actually a form of writer's block. Look them up and find a way that helps for you.
If what you really want to do is to build worlds, however, your options are a bit different.
You can design campaign settings for roleplaying games, for instance. If you are at all interested in playing role playing games, you can also get together with some people who would be interested in using your world for their games. Then you can let the stories "write themselves" so to speak - something that worked brilliantly for Ed Greenwood et. al. with their Forgotten Realms world. They built the world, played in it, developed it some more, kept playing and then eventually turned their games and character backstories into books and sold both books and campaign setting to Wizards of the Coast.
Another alternative is to find a co-author to collaborate with - someone who has a head full of fantasy stories in search of a world, or just someone who can help keep you focused and keep the story writing side fun and interesting. This doesn't work for everyone, but when it does it's great.
Once your books or campaign setting hits the shelves, you can publish all sorts of history books, atlasses, etc. for your world.

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