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Topic : Re: How to write in third person present tense without making it sound awkward? Generally it is preferred that one use present tense with POV, or at least it sounds organic. Are there any ground -

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The biggest pitfall I find with third person present tense is that it can start to sound like a movie script. Like stage directions.
He goes to the fridge and opens it. It's empty. So he closes the fridge and walks to the cupboard.
Feels kind of stale, doesn't it? It's just action beat after action beat.
My advice, therefore, would be to bear this in mind when writing. Include beautiful descriptions, plenty of dialogue, and plenty of inner thoughts. This will help to prevent this 'stage directions syndrome'.
He walks to the fridge, his stomach wrenching from the two days of starvation. The fridge is empty. A heavy disappointment shudders through him, making him gag on nothing. The cupboards. Please, he whispers, please let there be something in the cupboards.

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