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Topic : I think this depends on the exact scenario. Is this like Clint Eastwood's character in Sergio Leone's "Dollars Trilogy", where we just never learn his name, even though he's got friends -

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I think this depends on the exact scenario.
Is this like Clint Eastwood's character in Sergio Leone's "Dollars Trilogy", where we just never learn his name, even though he's got friends that seem to know it? If so, you would coin a reference to this character for use in the screenplay and credits. "The Doctor" would be in this mode.
Is it that one of the named characters has speaking parts while masked, or hidden? Your cast will need to know which actor plays this part, so you'll need to tell them up-front who this is, even if you label their lines as "masked woman" or "man's voice from the darkness". But you could probably label their lines differently while they're speaking anonymously, to keep the secret from people who are privy to only part of the script.
Is it that the character is completely unknown until some big reveal, like Deep Throat or QAnon, and they have no un-masked role until that point? You could perhaps use their code name prior to the reveal, and then a combination after:

QAnon (from darkness): It is time you learn who I am!
Reporter: Reveal yourself!
QAnon/Noam Chomsky (steps into light): It is I!
All: (Gasp) Shouldn't it be It is me?
QAnon/Noam Chomsky: Trust me on that.

But again your upfront cast list will need to make it clear that one actor is to play both parts.

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