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Topic : Re: Should I change my point of view? I am not very familiar with "point of view". From my understanding, (correct if I'm wrong, but I looked it up so I think I'm right) 1st person -

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Kudos for bravery:
Wow, I'm personally not sure that if I got the whole thing written 1st person, I 'd be able to handle completely changing perspective. Rewrite a chapter and see how it feels. I might also get my beta readers to read the chapter and give feedback about what they like. No right or wrong answers. I've read powerful stuff from both perspectives.
First person is really gripping and personal, but you are totally limited by the character's knowledge and perceptions. Third person is less personal, but you can access everything (omniscience) or try you keep it limited to what is going on around the character (limited omniscience). People sound strange revealing intimate details of themselves that an author can reveal impartially.
You'd need to change the story A LOT to take advantage of what 3rd person has to offer. On the other hand, I can't carry off 1st person myself, so I may be biased (if it's hard for me, it must be good!). You could try both (alternating chapters, almost like reading a journal that has been used as the basis for a book). Every other chapter, because shifting back and forth in a chapter would be too jarring for perspective. It could get you the best of both, but could be worst of both, too.

PS I'm totally agreeing with Llewellyn's suggestion. Data is free, so save every version of your story, even every edit. My editor dates saves so you can save a different copy every day, saving with the date in the title. Nothing gets lost.

It's very much a style choice. Good luck.

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