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Topic : Re: In dialog, what pronoun forms go before the colon? What should I write before the colon in dialogue? Subject or object? I: Do you love me? He: Yes, I do. Or Me: Do you love me? Him: Yes, I -

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This is not really a standard means of marking dialog, so you have some freedom here. The closest analogs I can think of are occasionally in fiction, where the author depicts a scene using play-style dialog tags and stage directions (e.g., The Beautiful and the Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald).
So, that gives you some freedom here. The eighteenth century grammarians would, citing how dialog is marked in Latin drama, insist on I/He, but to my ear, with this dialog, Me/Him sounds more natural. A lot, however depends on the overall narrative voice and whether the narration is overall in a strict Johnsonian English.

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