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Topic : What if you want to write two separate books at once? I am a young author writing a fantasy series, and while browsing writing prompts and trying to better my writing yesterday, I got an -

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I am a young author writing a fantasy series, and while browsing writing prompts and trying to better my writing yesterday, I got an idea for another, totally different series. I am in love with the one I am writing, but the one that I thought of is also very exiting.
Should I stop the one I am writing to write the other one? Or should I write them both at the same time? Should I cast the other one to the side until I’m done with this one? Or should I forget about the other one?

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Well it depends on if they are in the same series, for example it would be fine to do it if the stories eventually intertwined to make sure the stories plot lined up, although I think its best to focus on one book at a time so you are able to give it your all, and so that the book will be at its best.

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I do this with games all the time. I've been working on 10 or so different side projects for the past 5 years or so. I've released a grand total of 0 games.
If you're writing for fun, then by all means, work on any book idea you want. But if you're writing to publish, you really have to push hard to get that one done.

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Ideas are great. Turning them into completed texts is hard.
I would suggest writing down your second idea so you don't forget it and then going and finishing a first draft of your other idea. When it is completed you can give time to the second one.

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I do this a bunch and i just move around, write a chapter or two of one and then go back to the other one. I don't really plan out my story all the way to the end though, so if you plan everything then you might want to just go all the way through first but who knows. Currently, I have 5 stories in progress(although my account for my 3 fanfiction stories seems to be offline) and switching between them has never been a problem for me before. Just do a quick skim when switching stories so you don't accidentally put a chapter of 'Kill or be Killed' in your 'Little Unicorn Rhymes' novel.

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