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Topic : Illegal activities in autobiography So I want to write a self-help book on how I became Rich from being poor I want to write about my struggles from when I was poor which is including stealing -

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So I want to write a self-help book on how I became Rich from being poor I want to write about my struggles from when I was poor which is including stealing for groceries and other things that I needed. Is it illegal to write about this in the book and if not can I write about what stores or what I had to steal to put in more detail or should I just plainly put that I stole stuff that I needed and that's it so I don't cause any trouble with any companies or with myself. I know it's kind of a dumb question but I wanted my book to be a detailed as possible so I want to make sure that I will not get in trouble for writing about illegal activities.

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Depending upon the country you're in, this could amount to a confession. You could end up in legal trouble. It's best to check with a local lawyer.

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