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Topic : Re: Is it okay to switch narration styles towards the end of a story? I'm writing most of my book in third person omniscient, but I think it would be better if I put the last few chapters in -

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This is completely okay, as long as you do it right. First you should finish up your first person POV, maybe even at the end of a chapter or a cliffhanger, right before Bob hurls himself into the reactor core to overload the death star and save the galaxy, or at the start of a very fast paced and complicated scene or whatever else you need a POV change for.
Then you need to make it clear to the readers that the POV is changing. Don't say that the POV is changing, just put an extra line break or something that you can keep constant with any more POV changes.
Now that it's third person omniscient, you can just write it out and then when you need it switch back to first person POV using the method you decided on above. If you decide to end your book in third person, I don't think you need to do you line break switch at the end of this book or the beginning of the next book. If you end the third person at the end of a chapter, then you should probably put the line break switch although you could probably do fine without it.

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