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Topic : Re: Is it okay to switch narration styles towards the end of a story? I'm writing most of my book in third person omniscient, but I think it would be better if I put the last few chapters in -

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"Jacob hurled himself off the [indoor] balcony and towards the bottom floor. 'here goes nothing,' he mumbled as he fell down, knowing that he may never come back up.
Chapter 25:
"The wind was strong, very strong. I could feel it blowing in my face as I fell down into the abyss. Looking down now, I wasn't sure if I'd ever make it back up. Far below me I could see Overlord Pai...
That was my pathetic and horribly written attempt at an example, but it's an example nonetheless. See how it switched POV's in a smooth and almost unnoticeable way? If you can pull something like that off than you can easily do this. It isn't breaking any rules, and your readers won't be confused if you can pull this off as/more smoothly as I did. (Mine honestly was not that smooth. Try to make it better than mine if you can. Although I think using one like mine would work without causing confusion, it would probably just sound a lot better if you did one better than mine).
If you can't pull it off smoothly, either don't switch POV's or study so that you can. It's less work for you and for your reader.

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