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Topic : What is the proper punctuation when using the word "however" at the beginning or middle of a sentence? EXAMPLE: I've asked this question using many platforms and tend to get conflicting answers. -

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I've asked this question using many platforms and tend to get conflicting answers. However, I believe the users of StackExchange will provide a trustworthy answer.
In the example above, my instinct is to combine the two sentences into one. I don't think that is correct!

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You could combine the two sentences, by writing:

I've asked this question using many platforms and tend to get conflicting answers, however, I believe the users of StackExchange will provide a trustworthy answer.

This would not be incorrect. However, I believe that t0he two-sentence version is stronger and better writing. In this form, "however" would be followed by a comma. In the one-sentence form, "however" would be both preceded and followed by commas. A semi-colon would be tempting here, but not correct.

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