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Topic : Re: Will science fiction as a genre ever go the way of the western? It is a fairly undisputed fact that the genre of western fiction has had a declining audience for decades. The Western Writers -

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It will only go away if interest in/fascination with the future goes away. Even if really bad things happen and science gets demonized (more than it already has been, LOL), it will still be around. I saw a TV show the other day (title was something like the prophets of science fiction) which asserted that the first sci fi work was Mary Shelly's Frankenstein!

Although Sci Fi usually explores new science and technology and its possible impact on humanity, the best works really focus on who we are, where we come from, and "the meaning of life, the universe, and everything" ;) . Mankind will always ask those questions. It's at the core of our beings. Religion won't go away either for the same reasons (and more).

People will always ask, "What if ... ?"

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