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Topic : This tag should be used for questions that deal with a consistent style in your writing, such as when asking about typical ways to introduce a certain aspect to your reader by showing-telling -

10% popularity

This tag should be used for questions that deal with a consistent style in your writing, such as when asking about typical ways to introduce a certain aspect to your reader by showing-telling or if you are concerned that your readers might feel that a change in the pov might be perceived as inconcsistency.

You should mention what kind of writing you are interested in, such as whether you are interested in fiction or business-writing. Furthermore you should define what you are currently doing and why it's not working the way you think it should work. The feedback you already received from your beta-reader, if this is applicable to the type of writing you are interested in, could also be relevant to give answerers a better understanding of your situation.

When asking about a style you should aim at getting information about a technique or process that might help you consistently apply this style in your writing. In your question you should make it obvious what you are searching for and what you are hoping to achieve with this, such as whether you want to improve the speed of writing or the feelings of your readers towards a set of characters.

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