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Topic : Is self-publishing a good option? Is the self publishing route one that is considered acceptable these days? Specifically, I am writing short stories, and there is no real chance of getting a -

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Is the self publishing route one that is considered acceptable these days? Specifically, I am writing short stories, and there is no real chance of getting a publisher to look at short stories without some previous history.

Additionally, I don't expect to make enough money to justify a publisher, or even my time in trying to find one - I expect to make something, but not a great deal. So self-publishing seems to make sense, to get some of my work out there, and see whether anyone likes it.

For this sort if work, is self-publishing a good route, a sensible route?

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Depending on how short you're talking, and whether you're talking about print or electronic, Amazon is explicitly pushing short/medium stories at present through their Kindle Singles program, and a scan through the published works ranges from unknowns to Stephen King. I can't speak from personal experience, but it seems like it's a reasonable approach.

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