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Topic : Re: What should be put on scene notecards? (for novel writing) Once, a while back, I tried to use notecards when noveling to organize and develop my novel. The idea (a fairly common one, I believe) -

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For each scene, I like to note:

The POV character
Goal: What the POV character wants in this scene.
Obstacle: Who or what gets in the way of the POV character's goal.
Result: Whether or not the POV character achieves the goal.

If the character has a significant dilemma (more than a paragraph) in response to something that happens in the scene, I'll note:

Reaction: The character's reaction (emotional, thoughtful, or both) to what happened.
Dilemma: The options that the character weighs, and the problems that lead the character to discard most of them.
Decision: Which option the character chooses and commits to.

Those are the basics. I often note a few details or complications about some of those things.

And I might note my goals in the scene (demonstrate something about the character, set up or foreshadow some later event, reveal new information, hide some detail in plain sight, and so on).

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