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Topic : Re: "Lacking meat", "Content-free", and poor defense-development. Please critique my work After releasing my first blogging article I received some less-than-stellar reviews citing that I "managed -

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I don't think your article is lacking in "meat". It is a blog after all, not a scholarly article. Same for informal language like "Ok, I know what you are thinking". I like blogs that are informal and chatty, as I really don't like being lectured to, unless you are an obvious expert in the field.

I do agree that your blog is unfocussed - what point are you trying to make? Are ads bad? What would you replace them with? You use the word "hack", but outside computer geeks, the word has a negative connotation. Try to avoid it, if possible.

Perhaps you need to make more clear what you stand for, what your solutions are.

And the normal rules of blogging apply. The current text is one dense blob of words. Break it into headings, to make it easier to read. If the text is dense, as it is now, most people just skim over it and make snap judgements.

As for suggestions on what to read, just following other blogs is enough. I don't think you need to read any books for blogging, as it is one of those things one learns by doing.

Finally, do you really care what others think? You need to have a thicker skin if you want to make it in the game. This seems to be your first blog, and you already have 5 comments. Many blogs go years without any comment, as the majority of people are happy to just read, and never comment.

It would seem to me you are already doing a good job. Just make your arguments more focussed, and keep blogging.

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