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Topic : Re: Will science fiction as a genre ever go the way of the western? It is a fairly undisputed fact that the genre of western fiction has had a declining audience for decades. The Western Writers -

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I'd like to add, in the realm of screenwriting, science fiction as a genre is expanding more and more. With the current state of special effects technology and the lower costs involved in making a beleivable story, the future is wide open for stories that previously were too expensive to make or even imagine on the big screen.

We will always look to the future and speculate on what it holds. We now can bring these stories to light in ways nver imagined before.

And yes, Mary Shelly is considered the first science fiction author. In her time technology was created to use electricity to galvanize metal and this sparked her imagination to speculate on what else it could do. It also touched on themes such as man acting like God and overstepping his bounds. Again, a prevalent concern in the early days of the technological revolution.

In the 1950's we saw science fiction movies that dealt with what could happen during an atomic appocalypse. We were in the height of the cold war and this was on everyone's mind. The original The Day the Earth Stood Still dealt with an alien intervention to stop an inevitable nuclear holocaust.

In the recent remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still we see a theme that deals with the environment and the reason for the alien visit is too stop us from destroying our environment.

Twenty years from now we may see another re-boot of the movie with another theme. Perhaps controlling our population, or preventing us from strip mining every planet and asteriod in the neighborhood...

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