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Topic : Re: My first act is lengthy. And I cannot shorten it. Any Suggestions? After the great amount of encouragement that you all gave me here, you'd be happy to know that I finally started writing -

10% popularity

Expand the other two acts until that the first takes 25% ;)

On a more serious note, why do you feel this is "devastating"? The way I read your friends' feedback, it's working just fine. You'd have a problem if the act felt too long, or got boring, but it doesn't seem to be the case here.

You may want to take a look at the "lengthy conversations that give backstory", though. Is all of that backstory necessary at that point? You could move parts of it to later in the book. Or you could shorten the conversations and give the backstory in a less explicit way (give hints, rather than lengthy exposition). Would the characters say everything they're saying if the reader wasn't listening?

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