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Topic : Re: Starting Out - Plot + Charaters by Documentaries I gues I could say I am decently good at writing, for someone who doesn't write much besides English 101/102 classes. I have a couple questions, -

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should be a short since I haven't written a lot of stories

Forget about that. Making stuff up about word count has no use, except someone pays you for a 1000 word article or a 60.000 words novel. Then you have to meet their criteria. Otherwise just write and count the words after you've finished your story.

I have no clue what your second question is about. Do you ask if you can use documentaries as an inspiration source? Yes, you can. Do you ask if you can steal material? No, you can't.

There are no writer secrets. Have you ever asked a sprinter if there is a secret to running? Probably they just run more often than you. Sit down every day and write. That's it.

Is it good to read about writing? Oh, boy, I could be honest, but you won't like it.

Caution: If you do not want to be discouraged and keep writing instead, leave this post now! (I mean it)

Books about writing contain (more or less) wonderful advice about writing. The problem is, if you haven't written anything of length yet (like your first novel), it's pretty much useless to you.

You will be overwhelmed by all this information and you will not know when to use what and that can be pretty paralyzing. You just lack the experience to use all that stuff correctly.

So my advice is, keep these books on the shelf, write your first novel and when you have gained that experience, read the books about writing.

"Won't that make my first novel worse?" you may ask. Well, it's your first novel. With a 98% likelihood it will be bad anyway, no matter how much you read about writing before. If you are a carpenter's apprentice your first work will not me a master piece, no matter how many books about woodwork you have read. It will be crap. Get over it and start writing.

Oh, and use a spell checker, really.

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