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Topic : Re: What should be put on scene notecards? (for novel writing) Once, a while back, I tried to use notecards when noveling to organize and develop my novel. The idea (a fairly common one, I believe) -

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I use an extensive array of index cards. The core thing I learned about index cards is make sure you know what information you want to put on them before use
and ask yourself before pulling out a fresh index card will a new card help to better organize my work, or will it obfuscate my process and clutter up my desk?

Don't take clutter lightly. To much of a good thing can be bad. The important thing is to use a tool, in this case index cards, only when your sure you need it.

I generally plot out five or six key scenes, and then as I write, I get ideas for scenes, and create a few index cards to fill some of unknown region between key scenes, revising these cards as I write and improving my grasp of the narrative.

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