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Topic : Re: How to continue someone else's story gracefully, with fan-fiction? I've been juggling some ideas for NaNoWriMo and one of them is a Doctor Who story. Now I've not read a great deal of fan -

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Generally, the acceptability of fan fiction depends on the original story. As another post stated, some origianl authros are fine with it, while others are not. In the case of Dr. Who, apparently the producers are okay with it because I found at least a dozen different fan sites and such that contained hundreds of fan fiction articles, including one that had over 30,000!

The real issue isn't whether or not you can write it. The real issue is whether or not you can publish it. If you post it on a fan site where it is clearly labelled as fan fiction or it is presumed as such because of the content with which it is made available, then that is generally acceptable.

On the other hand, if you try to publish it as a stand-alone book using the same characters from the television show, then that becomes a problem. At that point, you are violating the copyright for the show in an effort to derive income, and I can guarantee the producers will NOT be okay with that.

As long as you are not attempting to make money off of it or trying to use any of the characters in a derivative work for publication, then you should be okay.

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