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Topic : Is it good style in fiction to write sentences as a flow of (disjointed) thoughts? I was wondering whether it is okay to write like this or not: I never went for the grooves. But I -

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I was wondering whether it is okay to write like this or not:

I never went for the grooves. But I did take a seat near the bar table and checked out the pretty ladies. Drinking was not my cup of tea. Alcohol. Alcohol was not my cup of tea. Wait, let me reframe it. . . I did not drink.

Can I write sentences like these - 'okay wait, let me reframe it. . . I did not drink.'

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"Is it okay..." and "Can I..." are subjective. It's about context.

Are the sentences grammatically correct? Strictly speaking, no. But you are clearly writing in a first-person, casual, stream-of-consciousness dictation style, so they are perfectly fine for that.

Speaking as an editor, as long as this is your character's/narrator's voice, and you're consistent, I would be entirely fine with this type of writing, and wouldn't mark it up to be "fixed."

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