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Topic : Re: Creating metaphors in poetry When writing poetry, is there a known method of some kind that exists that makes it easy to turn a concept I'd like to illustrate into a metaphor? If so, please -

10% popularity

Quick and dirty way?
Grab the nearest adjective describing given noun. Grab another noun described by that adjective. Find an adjective or another description that sets them apart. There, you have the metaphor.

Glass - transparent - air - solid - solid air.
Hand - limp - jelly - fingered - fingered jelly
Bar - noisy - classroom - drinks and cigarettes - classroom of drinks and cigarettes
Bus - long - sausage - streets - Sausage of the streets.

As you certainly notice these aren't top notch. This is a quick&dirty method as you requested. If you want quality metaphors, you must painstakingly craft them, or experience a flash of inspiration, no way around that.

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