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Topic : What is the correct word/term that needs to be before the names of the maker of the project? I am doing a project with one other person, we have finished the project and we are working on -

10.02% popularity

I am doing a project with one other person, we have finished the project
and we are working on a cover page.

We are not sure what to write out before our names, we have thought
of a couple of options, but none of them seems quite right:

Submitted by
made by

Note: Our work was to modify an existing piece work made by others, so something
like ``authors'' doesn't feel right.

Can someone please help us, what is the correct term to write out
before our names ?

Added: The project is the final project in a BSC in computer sceince, I am handing it in to a lecturer in the faculty who is my supervisor for the project.

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"Submitted by" might be your best answer. It obfuscates who the originator was (the authors/creators of the original work) and what you and your collaborator did, but the truth is, you are submitting this project (for what? term paper? publication? to a boss?). You can claim that honestly without worrying about who did what on the project.

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Since you say that you've modified another work I"d say the best one would be to say:

'Project xx, (if appropriate), Modified by (names).

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