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Topic : Re: Why can't I write something longer than a few pages? I write short stories, a lot of short-shorts. I would say the longest thing I've actually finished writing is "Lord of Snakes", which was -

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Having written several novels myself, and having helped others, I indeed know your frustrations! While I don't have definate answers (as each person has different ideas and feelings) I can give you suggestions that might work for you or might at least help you out.

BTW, you're not alone.

1) Serials - If you're having problems with longetivity, try writing a series of shorts that are linked with one another, like the old 10 minute shorts they did back in the 50's. This could work well to making a longer novel, and help break the intimidation factor.

2) Be Like Star Trek - Perhaps your limiting yourself; you said you've got it planned, but perhaps that's what is holding you back. Start making stuff up. Seriously. Wing it for a while and see what you get.

3) Plug Away - Devote a certain length of time each day (or some other reasonable quota) to writing. Perhaps the breaks are you problem. I can pick up where I left off after extended breaks (in fact, I work on several stories at a time), but not everyone can.

4) Zen Is Boring, Boredom Is Zen - I don't know if you have a writing spot, but I do; the back seat of my car. No distractions, full focus. Perhaps you need a different writing spot?

These are what I use. There are others, but try experimenting, and keep working on it. Please don't get discouraged. And good luck!

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