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Topic : Re: Is it permissible to write a short story with little or no dialogue? We are writing a short story based on the antagonist in our novel, a sort of extended back story if you will. We are -

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The short answer: "Yes".

The (slightly) long answer:
Yes, it is perfectly possible to write a story with absolutely no dialogue. I have written over 20 such stories that do not have any dialogues in them, so I am sure anyone can. There is no rule as such about inclusion of dialogues and not. Depends on what you are writing and the writing style adapted. If you feel that the content is flowing beautifully without any trouble, go ahead and forget about the dialogues. AS you mention that it is going to be a novel, as and when the need arises, use them.

Certain writers/readers prefer dialogue based writing because for them (based on the feedback that I have received and my interactions) it conveys a little more action, but at the end of the day it is all about how you think you can put your content in a better way. If you feel dialogues are not necessary, skip them.

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