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Topic : TiddlyWiki is my choice. It's a free-as-in-beer single-page wiki system in the form of a single HTML file you open with your favorite browser and edit via clicking on links to create new -

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TiddlyWiki is my choice. It's a free-as-in-beer single-page wiki system in the form of a single HTML file you open with your favorite browser and edit via clicking on links to create new sections called Tiddlers.

You can build out chapters, and internal links, and categorize different types of articles.

Works great, but depends on a Java plug-in so YMMV if you are not up-to-date on your JRE and Chrome can be really really temperamental with it.

Even with those issues, it's a great tool. Check it out.

[Update 2019 -still a great tool but has split a bit, as I mention in the comment. Think Python 2/3 - if you're just getting started use the "new" flavor at, but many are still using the classic version.

Either way, you'll want Tiddly Desktop for editing in thie era of CORS and walled browser gardens.]

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