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Topic : Re: My Reviews for Free Books? I would like to provide reviews in exchange for a free copy of the book. I have a great blog website with excellent SEO and social media following. I'm happy to -

10% popularity

You might consider creating an account at LibraryThing. They have an on going feature called Early Reviewers where someone can request an advance copy of a book in exchange for a review. You will be able to see a copy of the book cover along with a brief synopsis, so you can scroll through the pages and just request books that interest you. The books are listed for anywhere from a week to a month, and at the end of the listing, they randomly select the people who will receive a copy. For example, if 150 people request the book, but the author is only providing 30 copies, then LibraryThing will randomly select 30 people from the 150 who requested it.

For authors, you can take advantage of this to provide copies of your book (including e-books) in exchange for honest reviews. In my experience, I have found that anywhere from 6-15% of those requesting your book will actually follow through with the review. It's not a great return, but it's better than nothing!

Another option would be to visit any of the many writer's forums and post a message that you are accepting books to review. I would NOT recommend this approach. I know a few people who did this and ended up being inundated with requests. We writers can tend to be a greedy bunch, so be careful about opening those doors!

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