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Topic : Re: Can i use the name of a real UK Prime Minister in a fictional Novel? I am writing a fictional novel that rewrites history surrounding the Gulf war. It involves at one point the actions of -

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I am writing a fictional novel that rewrites history surrounding the Gulf war ... Could I be done for libelling the PM?

Possibly. The laws about slander and libel vary widely from nation to nation, and a fig leaf of "it's fictional" would probably not be enough in and of itself to survive a challenge.

You're better off making a thinly veiled analog with a different name and significantly different characteristics, especially if your novel's PM is at all villainous in any way. If omitting all personally identifiable details can be done, that may also suffice.

Also, in addition to a possible claim of libel, be aware that you might be hit with trademark or privacy laws as well. Make a novelization about a news story of some living person's heroics, and you may be presented with a bill for using their likeness.

In general, you shouldn't worry too much about legal affairs (aside from copyright) when writing. Once you have a completed work and want to move into publishing is the time you'll want to worry about what changes may be necessary to comply with libel, trademark, or privacy laws.

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