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Topic : I write when I can. (Full-time job, family, house, church, etc. takes up most of my time.) Currently working on a book series with a complicated plot, so I often don't write linearly. -

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I write when I can. (Full-time job, family, house, church, etc. takes up most of my time.) Currently working on a book series with a complicated plot, so I often don't write linearly. (Heck, the plot's not even linear!) Once or twice per week I save under a new version number. It's been invaluable, because I've often cut a section (to paste elsewhere), then gotten busy with two dozen minor changes I just noticed, then gotten interrupted, then cut and pasted a phrase, then put that section where I wanted to move it. "What??? Oh crap! I just lost a whole section!" At that point I can undo a half-hour's editing to get my section back, or -- tada! -- go grab it from an earlier version of the saved document.

An important point is to start your numbering at 001. Not 1, and not even 01. You'll be surprised how many versions you generate.

I would love to have software that automatically does the versioning for me, but I just use Word, and in an unsophisticated way (fancy typewriter). [Does anyone know if the lastest Word will automatically version your saves? Answer as comment.]

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