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Topic : How do I add an ISBN to Calibre ebook? I downloaded Calibre two days ago. According to the Calibre user manual (website): Click the book you want to edit and then click the Edit metadata -

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I downloaded Calibre two days ago. According to the Calibre user manual (website):

Click the book you want to edit and then click the Edit metadata button or press the E key. A dialog opens that allows you to edit all aspects of the metadata. It has various features to make editing faster and more efficient. A list of the commonly used tips:

The ISBN box will have a red background if you enter an invalid ISBN. It will be green for valid ISBNs" -

I see no ISBN box, red, green or otherwise in the edit metadata dialogue. On another Calibre page I see:

you might want to display the ISBN, a field that calibre does not display. -
...followed by something about "simply hover your mouse over the column header" in the Calibre template language, which I cannot find.
So, how do I add an ISBN (which I have) to the publication I need to convert to ebook?

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Click the button next to "Ids" in the middle column of the "Edit Metadata" dialog:

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