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Topic : Re: Does self publishing via Amazon or similar services make your book ineligible for later acceptance by a publisher? I have a non-fiction book that is ready for publishing, and I am weighing between -

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I was a publicist / marketing manager at a publishing house. I left the profession prior to the e-book revolution. Traditionally, based on the niche market I served (technical topics), here's how you might want to test the waters for self publishing (vanity publishing); the marketing plan. Following is a grass roots direct-marketing test.

Create a marketing piece that includes a good hook, bullet points of compelling description, a peek into a few passages, offer "Pre-order"* special price (knock a few dollars off) with deadline. Give them some idea of arrival date, too. Create urgency -- underscored! Keep the piece light. Not tons of paragraphs to weigh through. You want to create interest in the first few second of your at a glance hook with the bullet points. If the brochure is weak, you're sunk at the get go. Self mailers are the most economical. Talk to the bulk mail specialist at the mail post office. They can send you a package describing ways to further save on a mass mailing.
Develop a circulation list. Think about your target audience / market. Research mailing lists or e-mail lists (or other vehicles). The more names you buy, obviously your percentage of return will increase. You have to be the judge on marketing ROI. Research lists (mail or email). You should ask how recently the list has been refreshed. That's crucial. You don't want returned mail! Ask the rep for their audience breakdowns (attributes) ... age, areas of interest; whatever matters to you for the target market.

After you've done the first wave, track which attribute mix had the best response rate. Next time you buy the list refine it to that mix. Continue the measurement process til the numbers start decline to a level you deem insufficient.

This might be a good start to mulling. It worked for me.

You might also hit the pavement and set up appointments with some independent book stores. If you get bites, try to get it in the shop window. Who knows, maybe they'd even promote a reading. Free coffee, cookies, and you -- lol!

About arrival date, here are some basics. It's a given that you've already done your homework with a few vanity publishers -- if you're going print. Nail the financials and quantity break points ($). The first run is most expensive because of the set up. Remember that if you start taking "pre-order" money, you have to follow through with the product!

Sorry but I wrote this in stream of consciousness. It isn't a bible; just some high points for a possible vanity publishing sales effort.

I left the business prior to the e-book revolution. Can't help you there, but would imagine it's a whole lot less expensive.

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