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Topic : Re: Beginning an article/essay with a one word sentence, cliché? I am currently starting a college essay off with "Google-esque. Google-esque is...." Is it appropriate to use a sentence that only -

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The answer to your general question is: no, not cliché, and yes, you could do it in a college essay IF you write well enough to carry it off. But it's a risk. It's like a woman attempting a triple axel is figure skating. If she can carry it off, it's a big plus, but the odds and cost of failure are high.

As to your example, I'd say that's an example of a failure. When you say, "Google-esque. Google-esque is...," you are just being repetitive. You are breaking a grammar rule for dramatic effect, and then not getting any dramatic effect.

You want to do something like:

Google-esque. It is a strange, awkward, and ugly word, bordering on a monstrosity. Why then would anyone use such a word? A better question, perhaps, is "why is the word even necessary?" To answer that, one must explore 21st century culture. Google is the dominant... etc etc etc

Even better, you would make your essay Google-esque.

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