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Topic : Re: Best Tool to Create User Guides We are planning to create a user guide for internal use only. It's 150-page document in Word for a self-developed SW tool. The user guide will require constant -

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For internal documentation I've found wikis to be quite useful. A wiki has several useful features for this task:

built-in change-tracking
doc can be structured as several pages (e.g. one per major section) for easier management; individual pages can then be edited without any need to merge changes into a master document
some (most?) wiki platforms detect impending edit conflicts; if someone else has the page open for edit you'll find out (so no messy merges later)
can be accessed by anybody with a browser, on any device (try reading a Word doc or PDF on your phone...)
if your wiki keeps a "recent changes" page, work is visible and thus more likely to receive additional helpful edits or comments (more collaboration)

It does have some disadvantages -- you have to run a server, and printing isn't very practical. If you ever decided to publish the documentation to a wider audience you'd need to port it to something. But, that said, you could probably script most of that.

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