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Topic : Based on the Topic rather than the comment following. There are several character names that are the same as an object. Richard Castle Jessica Steele Robert Stone Henry Block Jason Sand, etc. Names -

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Based on the Topic rather than the comment following.

There are several character names that are the same as an object.
Richard Castle
Jessica Steele
Robert Stone
Henry Block
Jason Sand, etc.

Names sounding like their origin.
Mork from Ork.
Elmer of Selmer
Bluto from Pluto, etc.

I would stay away from many names to avoid confusion.
That being said, many characters have nicknames, and to compound the issue even further, some character have different nicknames depending upon who they are communicating with.
In one of my novels Martin Thomas Hurston refers to his boss John Homer Blaine simply as J.B., while other employee's refer to him as Mr. Blaine, and his close friends just call him John. Only one person in the story knows the H. in Mr. Blaine's name stands for Homer, and only used once in the story.
Ella Thornton is also known as Rose Thorn, and a few other names she was known as is mentioned also then quickly brushed aside not to be used again.

The hard part is trying to fit a name to a character that rings right with the story being told. I often change a characters name as I get further along in the first rough draft, because something else comes along that just fits the character better. Then too, sometimes I switch back to the original name I started with, adding a modification or slight change.

If you stumble on a name when reading your story out loud to yourself, then obviously that name is not a good fit. I also listen when others read my story back to me orally and listen for areas where they get tripped up, and then try to fix it.
I have one word in a current WIP that everyone gets tripped up on when trying to say it out loud. deacidification
Unfortunately, there is no synonym for this word, and it is the name of the process used to prepare pulp paper historic documents for long-term storage.

Good luck selecting your names, I know it's not easy.



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