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Topic : Re: How could a criminal forget a crime? I'm toying with a scenario however it's crucial to the plot that the murder doesn't know they're guilty and has to work with their friends to try and -

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Plot of Angel Heart, he was effectively reborn when he sold his soul


He commits the murder by accident, e.g. he wonders what a switch does, flicks it nothing happens. That causes someone to be electrocuted outside (but with a few layers of indirection)
Time travel, he hasn't killed him yet
Something dangerous laying around that without thinking he tells a child to just get rid of, that child posts it through the neighbours letter box, e.g. peanut butter, allergic reaction follows
Similar where he tells someone to 'just take care of it', later he finds that the person took care of it by cutting power to a building, the building hosts life support (e.g. a criminal will leave a building so cutting power stops the lifts, he's lazy so won't go out)


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