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Topic : Re: Does this urge you to read further or stop? I was wondering if this opening of my book enticed readers to read further. The book is a dystopian novel. This is NOT a complete chapter, it -

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My personal opinion? Do not rush it. Do I need to know that its 31st August? Do I need to know that main character is 17 years old boy? Do I need to know that there is some "Wall" which needs to be protected?
The intro should give me a hint about what’s going to happen. And not little details about something which can be revealed later. I will think about it and edit my answer later on, how you could improve on this.
But, yes, it makes me wonder what is going to happen. But also, I am going to place a bet on the fact, that the main character will be compatible (whatever it means)
EDIT. Ok, here we go. I don’t know why, but I feel like that you should write the dystopian scifi in hardboiled way:

I did hit the snooze button exactly one second after it went off. There was no need for alarm today, I was already wide awake. I knew what is going on today, but still, it was time for my every day routine.
Glanced at myself in the bathroom mirror. There was no need to splash self with cold water, but I did it anyway. "Today is the day," I tried my best deep voice, but it sounded more like child who is trying to impress someone. And I was not impressed.
Smell of the eggs from downstairs made my mouth water. Another reminder, that today is somewhat special day. My mother had to go to the market when it was still night, just to get those for me today.
When I came down, my father just went in from his night shift at the Wall. "Good morning! Are those eggs?" he smiled, but wrinkles on his eyes gave me the information, that this was yet another hard day in the job.
My mom was just preparing the breakfast - and dinner for my dad: "Yes. And there are some for you." answered and gave him kiss on the cheek.
"Happy 17th birthday," told me when I received my plate. "Today is the day."
My dad looked me in the eye and told me: "It’s all right to be a little nervous, but you’ve got nothing to worry about.” Somehow, I don’t think he was talking to me. It felt like he was saying it to my mom and himself.
“I’m fine guys, really.” I assured them. “Besides, they say it's only a 2% chance I'd be compatible.”
“You never know bud, you never know.”

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