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Word Meanings - COUNTERTENOR - Book Publishers vocabulary database - One of the middle parts in mus - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - COUNTERTENOR - Book Publishers vocabulary database - One of the middle parts in mus - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - COUNTERTENOR - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One of the middle parts in music, between the tenor and the treble; high tenor. Counter-tenor clef (Mus.), the C clef when placed on the third line; -- also called alto clef.

  • Counterfleury
  • Placentiform
    Having the shape of a placenta, or circular thickened disk somewhat thinner about the middle.
  • Countermandable
    Capable of being countermanded; revocable.
  • Placodermal
    Of or pertaining to the placoderms; like the placoderms.
  • Counterpart
    A part corresponding to another part; anything which answers, or corresponds, to another; a copy; a duplicate; a facsimile.
  • Trebled
    of Treble
  • Counterrolment
    A counter account. See Control.
    One of the middle parts in music, between the tenor and the treble; high tenor. Counter-tenor clef (Mus.), the C clef when placed on the third line; -- also called alto clef.
  • Calligraphist
    A calligrapher
  • Counterstep
    A contrary method of procedure; opposite course of action.
  • Callosum
    The great band commissural fibers which unites the two cerebral hemispheres. See corpus callosum, under Carpus.
  • Counterwait
    To wait or watch for; to be on guard against.
  • Counterbore
    A flat-bottomed cylindrical enlargement of the mouth of a hole, usually of slight depth, as for receiving a cylindrical screw head.
  • Musicale
    A social musical party.
  • Counterclaim
    A claim made by a person as an offset to a claim made on him.
  • Counterflory
    Adorned with flowers (usually fleurs-de-lis) so divided that the tops appear on one side and the bottoms on the others; -- said of any ordinary.
  • Placentious
    Pleasing; amiable.
  • Countermarched
    of Countermarch
  • Placodermata
    Same as Placodermi.

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