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Word Meanings - EARTHLY-MINDED - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Having a mind devoted to earth - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - EARTHLY-MINDED - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Having a mind devoted to earth - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - EARTHLY-MINDED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Having a mind devoted to earthly things; worldly-minded; -- opposed to spiritual-minded.

  • Opposer
    One who opposes; an opponent; an antagonist; an adversary.
  • Spiritualization
    The act of spiritualizing, or the state of being spiritualized.
    Devoted to worldly interests; mindful of the affairs of the present life, and forgetful of those of the future; loving and pursuing this world's goods, to the exclusion of piety and attention to spiritual concerns. -- World"ly*mind`ed*ness, n.
  • Devotor
    A worshiper; one given to devotion.
  • Havildar
    In the British Indian armies, a noncommissioned officer of native soldiers, corresponding to a sergeant.
  • Opposite
    Placed over against; standing or situated over against or in front; facing; -- often with to; as, a house opposite to the Exchange.
  • Spiritualized
    of Spiritualize
    Wise in regard to things of this world. Bunyan.
  • Earthly
    Pertaining to the earth; belonging to this world, or to man's existence on the earth; not heavenly or spiritual; carnal; worldly; as, earthly joys; earthly flowers; earthly praise.
  • Oppositely
    In a situation to face each other; in an opposite manner or direction; adversely.
  • Spiritualizing
    of Spiritualize
  • Devotary
    A votary.
  • Earthly-minded
    Having a mind devoted to earthly things; worldly-minded; -- opposed to spiritual-minded.
  • Oppositeness
    The quality or state of being opposite.
  • Spiritualize
    To refine intellectiually or morally; to purify from the corrupting influence of the world; to give a spiritual character or tendency to; as, to spiritualize soul.
  • Devoted
    of Devote

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