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Word Meanings - FORCIBLEFEEBLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Seemingly vigorous, but really - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - FORCIBLEFEEBLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Seemingly vigorous, but really - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - FORCIBLEFEEBLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Seemingly vigorous, but really weak or insipid. He [Prof. Ayton] would purge his book of much offensive matter, if he struck out epithets which are in the bad taste of the forcible-feeble school. N. Brit. Review.

  • Matter-of-fact
    Adhering to facts; not turning aside from absolute realities; not fanciful or imaginative; commonplace; dry.
  • Schoolbook
    A book used in schools for learning lessons.
  • School-teacher
    One who teaches or instructs a school.
  • Woulding
    Emotion of desire; inclination; velleity.
  • Schoolboy
    A boy belonging to, or attending, a school.
  • Schoolward
    Toward school.
  • Wouldingness
    Willingness; desire.
  • Offensive
    Giving offense; causing displeasure or resentment; displeasing; annoying; as, offensive words.
  • Schooldame
    A schoolmistress.
  • Seemingly
    In appearance; in show; in semblance; apparently; ostensibly.
    Weak in intellectual power; wanting firmness or constancy; irresolute; vacilating; imbecile. "comfort the feeble-minded." 1 Thess. v. 14. -- Fee"ble-mind"ed*ness, n.
  • Feeble-minded
    Weak in intellectual power; wanting firmness or constancy; irresolute; vacilating; imbecile.
  • Schoolery
    Something taught; precepts; schooling.
    Seemingly vigorous, but really weak or insipid. He [Prof. Ayton] would purge his book of much offensive matter, if he struck out epithets which are in the bad taste of the forcible-feeble school. N. Brit. Review.
  • Feebleness
    The quality or condition of being feeble; debility; infirmity.

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