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Word Meanings - PARENTHETICAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Of the nature of a parenthesis - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - PARENTHETICAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Of the nature of a parenthesis - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - PARENTHETICAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Of the nature of a parenthesis; pertaining to, or expressed in, or as in, a parenthesis; as, a parenthetical clause; a parenthetic remark.

  • Expressure
    The act of expressing; expression; utterance; representation.
    A sporting rifle for use at short ranges, employing a large charge of powder and a light (short) bullet, giving a high initial velocity and consequently a flat trajectory. It is usually of moderately large caliber.
    Formerly, a railroad train run expressly for the occasion; a special train; now, a train run at express or special speed and making few stops.
  • Natureless
    Not in accordance with nature; unnatural.
  • Parenthesis
    A word, phrase, or sentence, by way of comment or explanation, inserted in, or attached to, a sentence which would be grammatically complete without it. It is usually inclosed within curved lines (see def. 2 below), or dashes.
  • Expressing
    of Express
  • Parenthetic
    Alt. of Parenthetical
  • Expressage
    The charge for carrying a parcel by express.
  • Parenthetical
    Of the nature of a parenthesis; pertaining to, or expressed in, or as in, a parenthesis; as, a parenthetical clause; a parenthetic remark.
  • Expressible
    Capable of being expressed, squeezed out, shown, represented, or uttered.
  • Parenthetically
    In a parenthetical manner; by way of parenthesis; by parentheses.
  • Expression
    The act of expressing; the act of forcing out by pressure; as, the expression of juices or oils; also, of extorting or eliciting; as, a forcible expression of truth.
  • Expressional
    Of, or relating to, expression; phraseological; also, vividly representing or suggesting an idea or sentiment.
  • Pertaining
    of Pertain

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