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Word Meanings - SPRINGE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A noose fastened to an elastic - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - SPRINGE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A noose fastened to an elastic - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - SPRINGE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A noose fastened to an elastic body, and drawn close with a sudden spring, whereby it catches a bird or other animal; a gin; a snare.

  • Sprack
    Quick; lively; alert.
  • Sprayboard
    See Dashboard, n., 2 (b).
  • Spriggy
    Full of sprigs or small branches.
  • Springe
    A noose fastened to an elastic body, and drawn close with a sudden spring, whereby it catches a bird or other animal; a gin; a snare.
  • Sprinting
    of Sprint
  • Animalize
    To endow with the properties of an animal; to represent in animal form.
  • Spruce
    Any coniferous tree of the genus Picea, as the Norway spruce (P. excelsa), and the white and black spruces of America (P. alba and P. nigra), besides several others in the far Northwest. See Picea.
  • Closer
    One who, or that which, closes; specifically, a boot closer. See under Boot.
    A utensil to hold a chamber vessel, for the use of the sick and infirm. It is usually in the form of a box, with a seat and tight cover.
  • Fastener
    One who, or that which, makes fast or firm.
  • Spread
    of Spread
  • Spright
    Spirit; mind; soul; state of mind; mood.
  • Springer
    One who, or that which, springs; specifically, one who rouses game.
  • Sprint
    To run very rapidly; to run at full speed.
  • Animally
  • Spruced
    of Spruce
  • Closereefed
    Having all the reefs taken in; -- said of a sail.
    Closemouthed; silent. "Close-tongued treason." Shak.

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