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Topic : Re: Is pantsless writing practical for NaNoWriMo? Those of you who like to just sit down and write what comes out, you all are known as pantsless writers. — KitFox We have a question on -

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I keep a second word processing document open where I scribble down ideas and thoughts which don't fit into the current point in the story.

This document is a grammar-free, style-free zone.

I record the ideas as quick as I can type them, then jump back to the main document and dive back into its tempo and style.

I make no promises to the ideas in this second document, they are not guaranteed to be part of the finished story. Instead, I ignore them as soon as they are recorded, keeping my mind on the story that is becoming revealed in the main document.

Only when that main story stalls... when I have written myself into a dead end... only then do I go back and read through the secondary document.

More often than not, the next scene emerges during that reading.

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