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Topic : Re: Where can one go to find police procedures I'm writing a novel that involves a crime (in the USA) and need to know the proper police procedure and timeline for the events. Where can I find -

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Funny story about this one, but perhaps it will point you towards a previously unmentioned source of police procedural knowledge...

I was a writers group meeting a few years ago, reading and critiquing the works of other amateur authors in return for their performing the same service on my latest prose. This particular night, all of the stories had an unplanned commonality; they all involved drug related crimes. Inevitably, two of the stories contradicted each other on some miniscule aspect of the responding police officer's behavior and both authors claimed that their depiction was right. A heated discussion arose. For a few minutes voices and egos escalated, each participant claiming ever increasing intimacy with the drug world and its denizens. Then a mild mannered meeting attendee, whose drug related story did not involve any police, finally added his two cents worth. The argument ended instantly with nobody doubting that he was right. After all, he was an authority on the subject, literally. It said so on his badge.

My point is that the best way to learn about police procedure is to ask a police officer. Just make sure that you explain to them why you are asking, and invite them to not answer, if answering would compromise either their safety, or their trust that you are a law-abiding citizen.

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