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Topic : Re: How to stay motivated and focused while writing Every now and then, I start writing something, which I at first consider a master piece but after a while I leave it unfinished thinking that -

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This happens to me as well. There are a few things I've found to help:

1) Don't ask for feedback too early --wait until the piece is finished.
2) Write shorter pieces.
3) Try to gain some emotional distance from the writing --treat producing writing like an ongoing job you have to do, not as a way to seek instant gratification.
4) Start with a solid outline and a good structure that can carry you through.

For me, part of what motivates me to write is the desire for the instant gratification of having people read me, but that doesn't work for longer work. So I've divvied up my writing. I have a long project which I won't show to anyone until it's done -- it might take a year or more --but I post regularly on places like StackExchange and my blog in order to scratch that itch for instant feedback. (If you are conscientious about it, this can also improve at least some aspects of your writing, and if you stick with a blog, you might eventually have the raw material for a longer work created in bite-sized pieces).

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